Are you constantly losing leads? They convert on your website, and then that is the last you hear from them? 

If so, you’re not alone.

90% of new leads do not convert into a sale on a first contact.

Does this mean that they are not interested in your business? 

Not at all!

In the following article, we will look at the 8 best ways you can implement lead nurturing strategies so that you stop losing sales leads and boost your conversions.

Quick Summary

In short, incorporating these 8 tips that will help you retain your leads:

  • Offer value first
  • Target the right people with the right content
  • Be present across all channels
  • Keep touch points in mind
  • Don’t sleep on follow-ups
  • Capitalize on the power of video
  • Have a super clean sales funnel
  • Score your lead

Are you having trouble generating the right leads? Or are you simply having trouble generating leads in general? If so, click here to watch my free masterclass on generating high quality leads that convert. 

What are the best lead nurturing tactics?

Here are the top 8 ways to nurture leads into sales to avoid losing leads:

1. Offer value first

Shaking hands in business meeting

Instead of pushing for a sale right off the bat, instead, offer them a chance to build trust with your brand. You can do this by offering a valuable free lead magnet.

Offering educational content such as blog posts, ebooks, or videos as a lead magnet can be a great way to provide value to your prospects.

By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can show your new audience firsthand that you are trustworthy, knowledgeable, and, most of all, someone who understands their pain points. 

Not only will this nurture new leads, but this most valuable content will generate MORE leads of higher quality. To learn the best kind of educational content to create to generate high quality leads, ‘Step 2’ of my free Masterclass training.

Pros of offering value:

  • Builds trust and establishes you as an authority
  • Nurtures leads over time, increasing conversion rates
  • Generates more leads by providing valuable content

Cons of not offering value:

  • Leads lose interest
  • Loss of trust with your leads

2. Target the right people with the right content 


The core element of lead nurturing is retaining someone’s interest in your brand. If you utilize targeted content, you increase your chances of reaching people who are already interested. 

But how do I create targeted content? 

Understanding your intended audience means sitting down and thinking about who you intend to reach, and then developing content that speaks to them and even calls them out directly. 

Here is an example: 

Many financial advisors are looking for ways to generate leads. So, I created a specific article that explains how financial advisors can get leads. Each month, this article alone generates leads and new clients for my business, all of which are looking for help with lead generation in their financial services firm.

This is just one example of many that show you how creating content specifically for a niche can help you close leads into clients.

As your business grows, you will want to look at an all-in-one marketing platform, such as Kartra

This will help you segment your audience by numerous factors, including level of engagement. It will also give you further insight into what content resonates best and holds attention

Segmenting leads

Pros of targeted content:

  • Increases relevance
  • Builds trust
  • Improves conversion rates
  • Less competition

Cons of no targeted content:

  • Ineffectiveness
  • Wasted resources
  • Missed opportunities

3. Be present across all channels

Social media

After a new lead interacts with your brand for the first time, try to engage with them across all the main channels. Many of our clients get the best results when they target people across multiple advertising platforms as part of a cohesive lead-generation strategy.

Focusing all of your marketing efforts on just one main channel, e.g., Facebook Ads or email marketing, is just not going to work anymore, and it could be why you are losing leads. 

Instead, try to think of your marketing campaign as a multifaceted one that involves distributing targeted content across multiple channels.

This can include email marketing, paid ads (retargeted), organic social media, website content, and even a direct video (see ‘step 2’ of my free masterclass for more). 

Pros of engaging with leads across multiple channels:

  • Increased reach
  • Enhanced engagement

Cons of not engaging with leads across multiple channels:

  • Limited reach
  • Decreased engagement
  • High drop-off rate

4. Keep ‘touch points’ in mind

Touch points in marketing

The more touchpoints you have with your leads, the more leads will convert into sales.

A touchpoint is a point of contact between a customer and a brand, and it can be anything from an advertisement to a customer service interaction. It’s best to design touchpoints based on the buyer’s customer journey because it ensures that the customer’s needs are being met at each stage, from initial awareness to post-purchase.

Here is a simple example of a buyer’s journey: 

  • Awareness: The buyer becomes aware of a need or problem they want to solve.
  • Research: The buyer begins researching and gathering information on potential solutions to their need or problem.
  • Consideration: The buyer evaluates different options and considers the pros and cons of each.
  • Decision: The buyer decides and selects a solution to their need or problem.
  • Purchase: The buyer completes the purchase and becomes a customer.
  • Post-purchase evaluation: The buyer evaluates their decision and experience, which can impact future purchasing decisions and brand loyalty.

With these touch points in mind, leverage multiple channels to produce lead-nurturing content, from educational blog posts to post-purchase email marketing campaigns.

You can automate this process of lead nurturing with AI lead generation tools.

5. Don’t sleep on follow-ups

Out of the 90% of leads that drop off, I would say that it is because at least 60% of them have simply forgotten about the interaction. Not because they have had a negative experience.

So, what’s the solution? 

Include a follow-up interaction in your lead nurturing strategy. 

This can take many forms, including automated emails with more helpful information, sharing your video content on youtube, or even retargeting ads on social media.

If a lead has converted on your website, it is because they are already researching and gathering information. By following up with them promptly and regularly, you keep them aware of your brand. 

Best of all, if you automate this step with email marketing software, you won’t even have to think about it.

Pros of follow-ups:

  • Builds brand trust and loyalty
  • Increases chances of conversion
  • Provides valuable feedback

Cons of not using follow-ups:

  • Potential loss of interest
  • Missed opportunities for conversion
  • Inability to track and adjust strategies

6. Capitalize on the power of video

Laptop and camera on desk

As I explain further in my free masterclass on getting leads, most fail to convert leads simply by not including video in their content marketing. 

You may have already noticed an overarching theme here, which is staying at the forefront of a prospect’s mind. Simply by using video, you can do just that.

A video is an immersive experience that combines both storytelling and emotional connection. Both of these are the single most important things regarding how our brain remembers things. 

Use video wherever possible, from a video sales pitch to educational content or even email campaigns.

Pros for using video:

  • Creates an emotional connection with potential leads
  • Builds trust quickly
  • Re-engage lost leads easily

Cons for not using video:

  • Potential leads will forget you

Tip: There is a multitude of AI video editing tools that you can use for effortless video creation.

7. Have a super clean sales funnel

Sales funnel example

Have you ever been intrigued by a product or service and headed over to its website, which is just a mess? You were instantly put off, right?

This could be why you are losing leads.

Revise the landing page of your sales funnel to ensure a simple and smooth sales process that makes it easy for a potential lead to convert into a customer.

Also, review your website to ensure it looks professional and does not give leads a reason not to contact you.

Doing this will instantly improve your lead conversion rate. Watch ‘Step 1’ for a real-life example on how to create a high converting appointment funnel.

Pros of having a clean sales funnel & landing page:

  • Better user experience for potential leads
  • Increased trust and credibility in your brand

Cons of not having a funnel & landing page:

  • Potential leads will be put off
  • Your brand may be perceived as unprofessional or unreliable

8. Score your leads.

Lead scoring

You could lose leads because you are trying to sell too soon or too late. 

With lead scoring, you can tell what stage a lead is at in their buyer’s journey by examining their level of engagement. 

This is typically done by setting up a scoring model that assigns points to various actions that a lead may take, such as engaging with personalized emails, visiting your website, downloading content, attending online events, or interacting with your social media posts.

By now, you are probably thinking: how on earth do I keep tabs on every single lead?! 

Well, you don’t. Your CRM should do it for you. 

With an all-in-one marketing platform such as Kartra, you should be able to automatically assign scores to leads based on a custom set of parameters (i.e visited your website for the first time). 

Kartra score

Then, you can also use these platforms to interact with automatically said leads with targeted content based on their score.

Pros of not using lead scoring:

  • Allows for a more personalized approach
  • Helps to prioritize leads
  • Increased conversion rates

Cons of not using lead scoring:

  • Potential leads may be missed or not prioritized
  • Wasted time and resources on leads that are likely not going to convert

In Conclusion

As a business, your ultimate goal is to convert leads into loyal customers. 

This is not always easy, which is why lead nurturing is an essential process in any marketing strategy. 

Focus on the sales process, building relationships with potential customers and guiding them through the sales funnel until they are ready to purchase before instantly pitching them to make a sale.

Implementing what we discussed above will help you dramatically increase your conversion rate. 


If you want to learn more about how you generate leads to start with, be sure to watch my free masterclass.