Looking for the best AI lead generation software?

We’ve tested the top AI lead generation tools to help you generate and convert leads into customers on autopilot!

By using these AI tools for lead generation, you can:

  • Streamline your lead generation process
  • Improve your sales and marketing strategies
  • Increase profit margins
  • Save time & money
  • Grow your business faster

In this article, we will explore some of the best AI lead generation tools available, highlighting their key features and benefits for businesses looking to elevate their lead generation strategy.

Executive Summary

Short on time? Here’s a quick summary of our top AI lead generation solutions for business owners looking to get more leads, appointments and clients on autopilot:

Want to learn more ways to get leads and clients on autopilot? Check out our free Masterclass training here.

What is the best AI lead generation software?

Here is a list of the best AI lead generation software and tools to generate leads and clients automatically in your business:

1. The Sales Accelerator

Best overall

Sales Accelerator Course

The Sales Accelerator program is the best way to generate leads using AI lead generation tools.

Rather than spending countless hours testing different AI tools to find what works best, the Sales Accelerator shows you how to use multiple proven AI lead generation tools to get qualified leads, appointments, and clients for your business.

Some of the AI tools included in the Sales Accelerator program are:

  • Skyline Social’s AI Marketing Assistant: Create high-converting marketing blogs, YouTube scripts, video sales letters, follow-up emails and more (available exclusively to Skyline Social clients)
  • Surfer AI: Optimize articles for SEO with AI
  • Descript: Edit & optimize YouTube videos with AI
  • Meet Alfred: Get leads through automated LinkedIn prospecting
  • Kartra: Create funnels with AI and manage your lead generation campaigns

The Sales Accelerator goes through how to use these and other AI tools to grow your business.

But what if you get stuck or need help? As a client, you also get private one-to-one lifetime support to help you get the best results from these AI lead generation tools.

Click here to learn more about the Sales Accelerator.

2. FastBots.AI

Best for getting leads and clients with AI chatbots

FastBots AI

FastBots.AI is another top AI lead generation tool because it can convert website visitors into leads and clients automatically with AI-powered chatbots.

We use Fastbots.AI in two primary ways, including a:

  • Lead generation AI chatbot: This converts website visitors into leads. You can see a real-life example of this AI chatbot on the bottom right corner of this page.
  • Sales AI Chatbot: This chatbot on our sales funnel is designed to convert leads into appointments and clients. After you opt-in to our funnel here and watch the video on the next page, you can see an example of this chatbot.

What makes Fastbots unique?

Unlike ChatGPT which is trained on generic data, you can train your AI chatbot with your company data. This includes your website, blogs YouTube videos or sales material, as seen here:

This enables it to engage leads by answering questions based on real and factual information from your company. You can see some use cases here.

How much does it cost?

Fastbots is free to start using for one chatbot. However, each additional chatbot costs around $20/month – depending on the amount of features you choose.

Additionally, the option to white-label FastBots.AI makes it a great tool for digital marketing companies looking to provide their clients with more value and add an additional monthly revenue stream.

YouTube player

Click here to try FastBots for FREE!

3. Surfer AI

Best for SEO AI lead generation

Homepage of SurferSEO

Surfer AI stands out as another great AI lead generation tool due if you’re looking to get leads from SEO.

With Surfer AI, you can easily create SEO-optimized articles with AI in just a few minutes, resulting in increased organic search rankings, traffic and leads.

We mainly use Surfer to:

  • Automatically optimize blog content with correct headings, keywords, and structure for SEO
  • Add internal links to existing articles
  • Keyword research for topical authority

However, to get the best results with Surfer AI, it’s important you edit the articles and add your own unique experience after you create them. You should only use AI to help you write helpful articles; not to write low-quality articles without any human input.

Does Surfer AI work well?

I use Surfer for all the articles I create on my blog. For example, as I write this article, here’s the current SEO score Surfer AI has given me:

Surfer SEO score

And if you found this article on Google, there’s a good chance it was because of the optimization done by Surfer AI.

I started using Surfer AI from 2022, and since optimizing my blog articles with this AI tool, I’ve been able to triple my website organic traffic in just a few months, as seen here:

Surfer SEO case study

As I write this article, organic website traffic is still increasing by 10-20% each week as I continue to write articles using Surfer AI to help me. This is why Surfer AI is one of my top-rated AI lead generation tools.

How much does Surfer AI cost?

Pricing for Surfer AI starts at $89/month which allows you to optimize up to 30 articles each month.

Click here to get a free trial.

4. Kartra

Best for AI funnel building and marketing automation

Kartra home

Kartra has proven to be one of the top AI lead generation tools for creating all-in-one marketing automation campaigns. You can use this tool to create funnels, landing pages and marketing emails using Kartra’s built-in AI capabilities.

I’ve been using Kartra for over 5 years now and from all the all-in-one funnel builders I’ve tested, this one is my number one choice for both features, price and value.

Some of the Kartra features I use include:

  • Landing page builder (includes AI content capabilities)
  • Online course
  • Email marketing (with AI email writing features)
  • Online payment processing
  • CRM
  • Lead tracking

One of my favorite Kartra features it in the “Automations” section. Kartra can use AI marketing automation rules to customize the marketing communications your leads receive.

For example, if one of my leads opens lots of my emails but hasn’t yet converted into a client yet, Kartra can automatically send them an email or SMS to request a meeting to see if they have any questions.

You can create your own Kartra automation rules by logging into Kartra and clicking on “My Communications” > “Automations” as seen here:

Kartra automation screen

Because you can customize the automation rules in Kartra, there are countless possibilities with what you can do with this AI lead generation software.

Click here to see pricing

5. Customers.AI

Best AI tool for cold emailing anonymous website visitors

Customers.AI (formerly known as MobileMonkey) is another good AI lead generation tool because it allows you to automatically identify and cold email visitors on your website or sales funnel that don’t convert.

For example, here’s a screenshot of how we’ve generated over 4,000 leads using Customers.AI from people who visit our website:

Customers.AI was able to identify these anonymous visitors and then send them a “cold” email with a link to my sales funnel. This is a great way to get leads from people who have visited your website but haven’t converted yet.

Is this the same as retargeting people?

It’s similar, but not exactly the same. Retargeting ads are when you show ads to people who visit your website. However, this software allows you to identify the people visiting your website and send them an email. It’s often more effective than retargeting because you’re actually emailing people instead of showing them an ad.

If you’re looking for an AI tool to generate leads from your website visitors automatically, Customers.AI is a great option.

Click here to see pricing!

6. Meet Alfred

Best for AI tool LinkedIn Lead Generation

Meet Alfred is another good AI-powered lead generation tool designed to get leads with LinkedIn prospecting. With Meet Alfred, you can effortlessly automate your LinkedIn lead generation marketing campaign.

One of my favorite features of Meet Alfred is the fact that it’s on the cloud. Unlike other similar tools (like Linked Helper), you don’t need to download anything or keep your computer running 24/7 for it to work. This makes it much easier to use.

Another great feature is the omnichannel capabilities. With Meet Alfred, you can reach out to people on LinkedIn, Twitter, SMS and even email. This multi-channel approach often makes your LinkedIn lead generation campaign more effective.

Top tip: I recommend combining Meet Alfred with Kartra to automatically nurture the leads you generate. This will increase the chances more leads will convert into clients

Whether targeting B2B or B2C audiences, Meet Alfred is a great solution for generating leads on a budget, with successful case studies backing its effectiveness.

Click here to see Meet Alfred pricing.

6. InboxPro


InboxPro is an AI-powered lead generation tool that helps you create a predictable customer acquisition system with email.

This tool has four key features: AI, merge tags, automated email sequences, and a calendar.

With InboxPro, you only need to focus on closing the sale because everything else is fully automated.

The process is as follows:

  • Get a list of leads (emails and names) from any source (e.g., LinkedIn).
  • Compose the emails using the built-in AI email assistant feature
  • Create a sequence with a specific goal (e.g., scheduling a call) and set time intervals and triggers (e.g., an email every two days if the recipient hasn’t read it).
  • Use merge tags to personalize the communication with recipient-specific details such as their name, company, etc.
  • Utilize the calendar to avoid back-and-forth emails, enabling recipients to choose their preferred date and time.

With InboxPro, whenever you get more leads, you simply add them to the InboxPro sequence and wait for them to schedule a call with you.

InboxPro is an excellent option for creating sales funnels, especially for small marketing teams looking to automate lead-generation processes.

Click here to see pricing.

7. useArtemis

useArtemis is another powerful AI lead generation tool that uses AI to help you generate leads with LinkedIn and cold email software.

It offers a built-in enrichment system, email verifier, and easy-to-use outreach campaigns. The software utilizes AI to personalize outreach, making the messages to your leads more effective.

Its unique feature of sending personalized LinkedIn invitations using AI also reduces the risk of LinkedIn account restrictions.

Key features of useArtememis include:

  • Built-in lead enrichment system
  • Lead email verifier
  • Powerful & easy to use outreach campaign
  • User-friendly layout
  • Use AI to personalize lead outreach

With a starting price of $49 per month, useArtemis is a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to get leads with LinkedIn automation.

Click here to try useArtemis for free!

8. Jasper AI

AI Lead Generation Writing Assistant

Homepage of Jasper AI

Jasper.AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that assists businesses in creating compelling and personalized content for lead generation purposes. 

One of the features I like the most about Jasper AI is a feature called “Jasper Campaigns”.

This unique feature lets you automatically create marketing content for your lead generation campaign in minutes.

This includes high converting marketing content for:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Landing pages
  • YouTube videos
  • Video sales letter
  • Follow up emails
  • Blogs
  • Social media posts

And more!

Overall Jasper is the best AI writing assistant tool for lead generation. However, I’d like to emphasize the “assistant” part. This AI lead generation software is great if you need help writing content, but you’ll still need to edit the content and double-check it for accuracy.

Click here to try Jasper AI for free (and get 10K free bonus words).

9. Albert

Albert by Zoomd is an innovative AI-powered marketing assistant that revolutionizes how businesses execute their marketing campaigns. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Albert can analyze vast amounts of big data to make informed decisions and optimize marketing strategies.

This cutting-edge AI lead generation software can direct marketing campaigns across various channels, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads, ensuring a comprehensive and targeted approach to reaching potential customers.

One of the key advantages of Albert is its ability to operate on autopilot, continuously optimizing marketing campaigns based on real-time data and providing detailed performance reports for businesses to track their success.

Unlike other AI Facebook ad tools that just make recommendations on your behalf, Albert AI can actually take action and execute these recommendations.

Key features:

  • AI-powered marketing assistant for executing successful campaigns
  • Utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze big data and optimize strategies
  • Directs marketing campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads
  • Operates on autopilot, continuously optimizing campaigns based on real-time data
  • Provides detailed performance reports for tracking success
  • Ideal for medium to large businesses with bigger advertising budgets

While Albert is particularly beneficial for medium to large businesses with bigger advertising budgets, it is important to note that the AI lead generation software is still in the early stages of AI technology development, with ongoing advancements and improvements expected in the future.

Click here to learn more about Albert.

11. LeadIQ

Homepage of LeadIQ

LeadIQ is a standout AI-powered solution for lead generation, utilizing machine learning to gather data on potential customers automatically.

With LeadIQ, you can segment leads, track engagement, and even score leads based on their likelihood to convert. It does this by connecting to your email account (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) and scanning your inbox for potential leads.

While the tool excels in finding and collecting data on potential clients, it does have some limitations, such as questionable data accuracy at times and the inability to track leads not contacted via email.

Despite these drawbacks, LeadIQ remains a valuable asset for businesses seeking to streamline their lead generation process.

With pricing starting at $60/month for the Basic plan and $120/month for the Pro plan, LeadIQ offers a range of features to enhance lead generation strategies.

Pricing page of LeadIQ

Overall, LeadIQ is an excellent tool for lead generation. It is easy to use and can help you collect lots of data about potential customers.

LeadIQ offers a free plan, and then pricing starts at $60/month for the Basic plan and $120/month for the Pro plan.

Click here to try LeadIQ.

12. Drift

Homepage of Drift

Drift is an excellent AI chatbot platform that excels in lead generation and sales. By utilizing lead generation bots, Drift automatically engages with potential customers, captures leads, schedules appointments, and more on autopilot.

The tool’s AI chatbot feature is particularly effective in handling complex sales conversations and providing personalized assistance to website visitors.

While larger businesses may benefit the most from Drift’s robust features, the pricing reflects its value.

Key features:

  • AI chatbot platform for lead generation and sales
  • Utilizes lead generation bots to engage with potential customers and capture leads
  • Automates appointment scheduling and handles complex sales conversations
  • Provides personalized assistance to website visitors
  • Offers a free plan without chatbot features for exploration
  • Monthly cost of $400 (billed annually) for the standard plan

Overall, Drift is a top choice for businesses aiming to automate lead generation and enhance sales efforts with AI technology.

Click here to try Drift for free!

13. Seamless.AI

Seamless.AI is a powerful sales tool that leverages artificial intelligence to enhance lead data enrichment. By filling in incomplete contact information of leads, such as phone numbers and social media profiles, Seamless.AI empowers businesses to engage in proactive B2B lead generation with personalized outreach.

This tool is particularly beneficial for sales teams looking to streamline their lead generation process and improve the quality of their leads.

One of the standout features of Seamless.AI is its capability to assist in building B2B lead lists for retargeting on advertising platforms like Facebook ads.

This functionality enables businesses to create targeted campaigns and reach out to potential clients with precision.

With Seamless.AI, you can automate list building and seamlessly integrate the tool with other third-party applications, enhancing workflow efficiency and productivity. The tool’s AI-driven approach to lead generation sets it apart in the market, providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive landscape.

Key features:

  • Sales tool utilizing artificial intelligence for lead data enrichment
  • Fills in incomplete contact information of leads, including phone numbers and social media profiles
  • Ideal for proactive B2B lead generation with personalized outreach
  • Allows building B2B lead lists for retargeting on Facebook ads
  • Offers a free plan with 50 credits per month for trial purposes
  • Enables automated list building and integration with third-party tools
Seamless Pricing

Overall, Seamless.AI is great for having a proactive approach to B2B lead generation. As a bonus, you can also use Seamless.AI to build B2B leads lists that you can retarget on Facebook ads.

Click here to try Seamless.AI for free

14. Outreach.io

Outreach is an Artificial Intelligence-powered lead generation tool that excels in automating outreach efforts for sales teams.

With Outreach.io, you can create personalized email templates and utilize the built-in CRM to manage leads and contacts efficiently. The platform simplifies the process of reaching out to prospects by automatically sending emails based on AI lead behavior, saving time and increasing productivity.

One of the unique features of Outreach.io is its ability to automatically send emails and make phone calls, track engagement, and provide real-time call analytics. Best of all, the AI tool can be customized to fit the specific needs of businesses, offering AI assistance throughout the sales process.

Key features:

  • Cloud-based lead generation tool for automating outreach efforts
  • Create personalized email templates and manage leads efficiently with built-in CRM
  • Automates email sending based on campaign settings, saving time and increasing productivity
  • Automatically sends emails and makes phone calls, tracks engagement, and provides real-time call analytics
  • Customizable platform with AI assistance throughout the sales process
  • Focus on bulk emailing, email automation, Salesforce integration, and CRM integration to streamline your lead generation process

While Outreach.io offers numerous benefits for sales teams, some drawbacks include potential cost implications for certain businesses and the lack of integration with Zapier.

In conclusion, Outreach.io is a valuable sales engagement platform that helps businesses automate their outreach process and generate more leads effectively. With its focus on bulk emailing, email automation, Salesforce integration, and CRM integration, Outreach.io caters to the needs of sales teams looking to get high quality leads and drive results.

Click here to see pricing.

15. Lunchclub

Homepage of Lunchclub

Lunchclub.com is an AI lead generation app that you can use to network with people online.

This lead generation software uses artificial intelligence to connect you with like-minded people to grow your network of professional relationships.

You can use this app to:

  • Connect to potential clients
  • Generate new leads
  • Find strategic partners
  • Explore new business networking opportunities

Lunchclub uses AI to match you with people that you’re likely to have a positive business or professional connection with. The more that you use the app, the better the AI gets at matching you with potential clients, strategic partners or even people you could potentially hire in the future.

If you’re looking for a great alternative to generating leads by networking in person, then Lunchclub might be just what you’re looking for. It’s also free to use, which is a nice bonus!

Click here to try Lunchclub.com for free


In conclusion, the utilization of AI lead generation tools presents a transformative opportunity for businesses to enhance their lead generation strategies in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, these tools streamline the process of identifying, engaging, and converting potential customers, ultimately driving business growth and success.

From automating tasks to personalizing outreach and providing valuable insights, AI lead generation tools empower businesses to optimize their lead generation efforts and achieve tangible results.

As technology advances, embracing AI-powered tools will be essential for staying competitive and maximizing the potential of lead generation campaigns in the ever-evolving digital era.

To learn more about generating leads on autopilot, be sure to watch my free Masterclass training on ‘How to get 10, 15, 30 or more high-quality appointments with your ideal clients each month’.

FAQs about AI Lead Generation Software