Have you got a digital marketing agency looking to get more clients?

As a digital marketing business, the goal is to have a lead-generation strategy that delivers an evergreen flow of qualified leads that will likely convert into paying clients.

What if I told you that you can develop a steady flow of prospective new clients without sacrificing the work you are doing for your current clients?

The following article will use my 15+ years of experience helping clients across all industries get clients and show you how you can do the same.

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Want us to help you get more digital marketing clients? If so, here are the next steps:

Step 1: Watch our free Masterclass training (explains how the strategy works)

Step 2: Schedule a call to work with us (if you want us to help you do everything)

Quick Summary 

In case you are in a rush, here is an overview of how to get digital marketing clients:

  • Be your first client
  • Take some time to understand your target audience
  • Know what social media platforms your target audience is on
  • Build a content marketing strategy
  • Run lead-generation ads on social media platforms
  • Have a landing page
  • Focus on having the right email marketing strategy
  • Use a video sales letter (VSL) to generate leads
  • Incentivize client testimonials

If you are looking for more clients for digital marketing, be sure to watch my free masterclass to get a visual of how you can incorporate a few simple strategies for a steady flow of prospective clients that you want to work with.

How do I get clients for my digital marketing business?

1. Be your first client

First client

The best way you can get clients as a digital marketing business is by becoming your very own client or first client.

But, why?

If you offer digital marketing services to your clients, chances are you primarily offer your clients a way of getting their business in front of their target audience right?

This also means that you have developed a strategy that works. When you are busy focusing on providing the best outcome for your clients, it is possible you neglect your own digital marketing in the process.

So, set some time aside to treat your own business like a client and focus on implementing the same strategies that work for your clients into your own business.

It is also a great way to build trust with potential clients, as it shows them that you are practicing what you preach.

In other words, it is a big plus when a client feels you are sharing the same strategies you use yourself!

If you want to learn more about the exact lead-generation strategy that I teach my agency clients and use within my business, you can watch my free masterclass here.

2. Take some time to understand your target audience

Thinking about target audience

What is the first step in any marketing strategy?

You can ask any marketer this question, and, the answer will always be “researching your target audience”.

But what does that truly mean?

In other words, the first step to finding new customers and prospects that are a good fit for your digital marketing services should be identifying your dream client.

In my experience, I have found the following questions to really help when looking to understand a target audience on a deeper level:

  • Who are they? What are their demographics, such as age, gender, location, education, and income?
  • What are their interests and hobbies? What do they like to do in their free time, and what are their favorite brands, products, or services?
  • What are their goals and aspirations? What motivates them, and what are they striving to achieve in their personal or professional lives?
  • What are their pain points and challenges? What are the obstacles that they face, and what are the frustrations that they experience?
  • How do they consume information? What channels do they use to get information, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, or email newsletters?
  • What are their objections and concerns? What might prevent them from buying your product or service, and how can you address those objections?

Once you have an answer to most of these questions you will then be able to identify where they hang out online, how to tailor messaging that speaks to them, and more importantly how to solve a big problem for them.

If you need help attracting your ideal clients, be sure to check out ‘Step One’ in my free Masterclass video for some unique ways you can do this.

3. Know what social media platforms your target audience is on

Social media

After getting to know your dream digital marketing clients well, you should know where they are hanging out on social media.

If you are just starting out I recommend focusing your resources on the main social media channels. The chances of your target market being on these channels are high.

The main platforms are Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

The good news is that with Facebook and TikTok ads, you can develop highly targeted ads that can put your brand directly in front of your dream audience.

For example, let’s say you want to target small businesses for your digital marketing business. In that case, create targeted ads that pinpoint locations, interests such as entrepreneurship, and business size just to name a few. It is important to remember that the more detailed you can be with your targeting, the more success you will see.

For more on what social media platforms to consider for your paid ads, watch my free masterclass.

4. Build a content marketing strategy

Building content strategy

Having a strong online presence is one of the most important things you can do to attract potential clients. To do this, you will need to have a strong content marketing strategy.

We live in a time where content is king. More importantly, educational content is king.

Creating educational content is crucial for lead generation as it not only positions you as an authoritative source but also fosters trust. It offers valuable information that addresses your audience’s needs, which in turn fuels meaningful engagement with your brand.

Here are some ways you can offer educational content:

  • Write informative blog posts or articles
  • Create educational short-form videos (TikTok)
  • Offer downloadable templates or checklists
  • Provide online courses or training programs
  • Organize live workshops or webinars
  • Publish visually engaging infographics

One of the advantages of creating content is that you can use a bulk emailing service to send your social media, video and blog content to leads you’ve generated.

The good news is that you can use this content to your advantage by offering it for free in exchange for your prospect’s contact information so that you are able to continue to build relationships with people interested in your content.

5. Run lead-generation ads on social media platforms

Paid social media ads

Using lead-generation ads on social media, combined with your educational content, you can put your business directly in front of your dream digital marketing clientele.

This will cost some money, but you don’t have to spend much to get started. You can get started for as low as $1,000 a month, and once you get some results, scale up whenever you’re ready. 

The more you spend, the more results you can get.

This means you can generate leads on Facebook and TikTok without having a landing page or your own site.

However, if you want maximum results for your consulting business, I recommend using a landing page in conjunction with your paid ads.

For more on how you can target your dream clients with paid ads or a landing page, watch my free masterclass, where I show exactly what to do.


If your business offers B2B digital marketing services, I strongly advise using LinkedIn to find digital marketing clients.


Apart from simply being the most powerful B2B networking platform, LinkedIn also facilitates a powerful search where you can find clients who are directly crying out for services such as yours.

LinkedIn also allows you to reach out to potential clients using direct messages. If you do this correctly, you can put your best foot forward and build valuable relationships quickly.

For more on how you can use LinkedIn to your advantage, the right way, watch my free masterclass for more.

7. Use a video sales letter (VSL)


The most effective way to generate qualified digital marketing leads is by using a video sales letter (VSL) to generate leads.

This works perfectly in conjunction with a paid ads campaign.

In the VSL you will want to include the following: 

  • Big problems of your potential client (pain points) 
  • A solution(s) to such pain points
  • What your solution is and how you’re different
  • How they can schedule a call with you

Using a VSL, your potential leads can qualify themselves and determine whether or not your business will be a good fit for them. The benefit is that you will not waste time on leads that are simply not a good fit for you.

Watch my free masterclass training for an example of what a VSL looks like and for other must-knows when it comes to lead generation.

8. Incentivize client testimonials and referrals


As a digital marketing agency, you have a golden opportunity to attract more clients through the power of client testimonials and referrals.

By incentivizing your clients to provide testimonials, you can showcase real-life success stories that build trust and credibility.

When prospective clients see positive reviews and feedback from satisfied customers like them, they’ll be more inclined to choose your agency.

Don’t underestimate the impact of referrals either! Encourage your existing clients to refer others by offering attractive rewards or discounts.

By leveraging their networks, you can expand your client base and enjoy the benefits of persuasive endorsements that highlight the value and quality of your agency’s services.

In Conclusion 

Getting more clients for your digital marketing agency requires a strategic approach and a combination of various tactics.

By becoming your own first client, understanding your target audience, utilizing social media platforms, building a content marketing strategy, running lead-generation ads, leveraging LinkedIn Advanced Search, using a VSL, and incentivizing client testimonials and referrals, you will be well on your way to generating a steady stream of dream clients.

Of course, we only scratched the surface today. When it comes to getting clients for digital marketing, it is important that you commit to being a lifelong learner, as this is an ever-evolving industry.

To dive deeper, be sure to check out my free masterclass for invaluable insights and actionable steps to boost your client acquisition.

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