Are you looking for the best way to get more qualified financial advisor appointments with your ideal clients each month?

Getting high-quality appointments each month as a financial advisor is crucial to growing your firm. The more appointments you have, the more clients you can win.

In the following article, we’ll dive into the best strategies that have helped my financial advisor clients generate qualified appointments with their ideal clients.

Why trust this article?

For over 15 years, I’ve helped hundreds of business owners get qualified appointments with their ideal clients. Most of my clients (about 80%) are in financial services, including financial advisors, planners and wealth managers. So, I know from experience what works best for advisors when it comes to generating pre-qualified appointments that are likely to convert into clients.

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The best strategies to get qualified financial advisor appointments

Here are the top strategies to get qualified appointments as a financial advisor:

1. Generate leads

The first step to getting appointments as a financial advisor is to generate financial advisor leads. The more leads you generate as a financial advisor, the more appointments you’ll be likely to get.

Of course, you don’t just want any leads. You need to get qualified leads.

And you need to get these leads in a way that is:

  • Automated
  • Predictable
  • Profitable
  • Scalable

Most advisors focus on outdated lead generation strategies, such as cold calling, referral marketing, networking events and direct mail.

Now, let me be clear. I’m not saying these strategies don’t work. I’m just saying that through my years of experience, I’ve seen far better (more effective) strategies out there.

Here are some of the best lead generation strategies you can use (that I’ve personally tried and tested).

So, what’s the point of lead generation?

Retirees won’t book a call in your calendar unless they know, like and trust you. So, you need a predictable and reliable way to get leads each month if you want to get appointments. Generating leads by offering value through a lead magnet is one of the best ways to do this.

2. Create a sales appointment funnel

Financial advisor sales call

One of the best ways to get qualified financial advisor appointments each month is to have a sales funnel that educates, motivates, and pre-qualifies leads before they speak with you.

You can do this with a sales appointment funnel. This is a funnel that consists of the following pages:

  • Opt-in page
  • Video page
  • Application page
  • Schedule page (calendar booking page)
  • Call confirmation page

You can see a real-life example of this funnel here.

Here’s an overview of the components of a successful sales appointment funnel:

  • An educational video that explains how you help clients and why working with you is better than working with other financial advisors (your unique selling point)..
  • An application form that pre-qualifies leads before they speak with you
  • A lead generation system to get leads flowing into your financial advisor sales funnel profitably and consistently.

To see an example of these steps in action, watch this video.

3. Use SEO so dream clients to find you

As a financial advisor, you are valuable. You are needed. Your services are sought after.

This means that there is an army of dream clients out there typing away, searching for your services. Using search engine optimization (SEO) on your financial advisor website allows them to find you.

What does Google SEO look like in practice for a financial advisor though?

A financial advisor engages in SEO by optimizing their website to maximize its ‘searchability’ in Google and other search engines. Google has an algorithm that suggests certain content to certain people. The better you optimize your website for SEO, the higher you can rank.

Optimizing your website for SEO involves:

  • Creating a search engine friendly website with the correct navigation menu, structure, pages, links, etc.
  • Creating content that answers questions your potential clients ask
  • Building backlinks from other high-quality relevant websites

By providing prospects with valuable information and showcasing your expertise, you can attract more appointments and convert them into clients.

4. Run ads

Facebook, Instagram, and even (believe it or not) TikTok ads are incredibly powerful platforms for generating monthly appointments as a financial advisor.

However, to get results with TikTok, Instagram or Facebook ads as a financial advisor, you need to run ads that focus on lead generation.

Don’t just advertise for brand awareness, getting more likes, followers or engagement (this is a big waste of money unless you’re a big firm like Morgan stanley, Merill Lynch or Edward Jones).

Instead, focus your advertising campaign on getting leads, appointments and clients.

To learn how to do this in more detail, see ‘Step 4’ of my free masterclass training.

5. Motivate clients to speak with you

Don’t just slap a “Book a free consultation” link on your website and expect to get appointments. As a financial advisor, people trust you with their retirement and wealth.

They won’t just book a call unless they truly believe you can help them!

So, to get more financial advisor appointments, you need to build trust with leads and motivate them to WANT to speak with you.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • Integrate a video presentation in your sales funnel that educates prospects
  • Create content that builds trust
  • Follow up with your leads regularly with email marketing (not sales messages!) that builds trust

The more you do this over time, the more appointments you’ll get as a financial advisor.

In my experience with helping financial advisors get appointments, I’ve found a video sales letter (VSL) to be one of the most effective ways to motivate your leads to book an appointment.

Using a VSL you can sell to your dream clients in a captivating way that allows them to absorb every bit of information pain-free. People much rather watch a quick video than read a novel on your services.

6. Use LinkedIn to get appointments

A screenshot of advanced search on LinkedIn, showing results for financial advisor appointments

If you are a financial advisor you are likely to be on LinkedIn already. And, you likely understand its potential for finding clients. Nonetheless, it is worth highlighting LinkedIn’s advanced search feature for finding your dream clients.

LinkedIn’s advanced search feature is a powerful tool for finding and connecting with your ideal clients by targeting specific criteria.

What you can search using LinkedIn’s advanced search:

  • Locations (where are your ideal clients likely to be?)
  • Companies (where would they work?)
  • Job titles (what to do they do?)
  • Industries (are you targeting a specific industry?)
  • Groups (what are their interests?)
  • Keywords

Remember, LinkedIn has over 700 million professionals on their network. In case you have not done the math on that; just 1% of LinkedIn’s audience is 5 million individuals..

I do recommend considering Sales Navigator to reach your full target market and audience. With Sales Nav, you have more power in the right and wrong way of focusing on your ideal clients.

Although LinkedIn isn’t the best channel to get appointments as a financial advisor, it’s still a way better alternative to cold calling, cold emailing or many other financial advisor prospecting strategies.

For more on how you can use LinkedIn to your advantage, you can catch my free masterclass here.

7. Get help to see faster results


If you are thinking by this point; “I am a financial advisor, not a digital marketer, I would much rather just focus on delivering results for my clients.” we get it. We can help you.

Many of our clients are financial advisors who have recognized that they would much rather focus on delivering the best possible results for their clients. It is a clever approach.

After all, investing in digital marketing is an investment: allocating the budget toward a lead generation expert who specializes in getting you monthly clients so that you can grow your bottom line.

If this is an avenue you wish to explore you can either watch my free masterclass to learn more about how we can potentially work together.