Long-term care leads are important for insurance agents and home care businesses because they provide a way to connect with potential customers who may be interested in purchasing long-term care insurance or receiving home care services.

By generating high quality leads, insurance agents and home care businesses can build new relationships with potential customers and increase their sales.

After helping lots of business owners with lead generation, including medicare leads, life insurance leads and leads for financial advisors, here are the 5 best ways insurance agents and home care agencies can get exclusive long-term care leads and home care leads.

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Want us to help you get long-term care leads? If so, here are the next steps:

Step 1: Watch our free Masterclass training (explains how the strategy works)

Step 2: Schedule a call to work with us (if you want us to help you do everything)

Lead Generation for Long-Term Care (Quick Summary)

If you’re short on time, the best way to get long-term care and home care leads is to generate your own exclusive leads by using an automated appointment funnel.

This is the best way to get leads because:

  • You get exclusive leads that are not shared with other insurance agents
  • You get leads at the lowest cost because you’re not buying leads from another marketing company
  • You’re in full control of your digital marketing allowing you to get as many leads as you need on-demand

To learn how to get your own exclusive leads & sales appointments with your ideal clients step-by-step, watch this video.

Although the video explains how to get leads for ANY service-based business, we’ve got a lot of experience doing this specifically for senior leads.

What are the best ways to get long-term care and home care leads?

Generating leads for long-term care is an important part of running a successful business. Here are some of the best strategies for acquiring long-term care and home care leads:

1. Online marketing on social media channels

Social media

Social media channels such as Facebook ads and TikTok ads are a great way to target seniors who are looking for home care, long term care and other senior care services.

Pros of social media ads

  • Scalable
  • Predictable results
  • Cheaper than buying leads
  • Reach lots of people at scale
  • Fast results

Cons of social media ads

  • Costs money
  • You need a good strategy for it to work well

Although both Facebook and TikTok ads can work well, in my experience, I’ve found TikTok ads gets 2-5x better results compared to Facebook.

This may be surprising to you as a business owner.

Most people I speak to assume TikTok is just for teengaers. But the reality is there are over 9 million active users in the US alone who are on TikTok!

What about using social media for free?

Yes, you can place social media posts without paying for ads to try and get leads. But in my experience, this is a painfully slow process.

I know businesses that have been doing this for years without speaking to any prospective clients.

So I’d rather focus on the activities that are more likely to generate more business, such as running ads to people who are interested in home care services.

To learn how to use social media to generate leads and avoid 80% of the ‘busywork’ on social media that doesn’t get any results, see ‘step 4’ of this free training video that I’ve recorded.

2. Search engine optimization

Google Search SEO

Every day thousands of people are searching their local area on Google for long term care, home care, and other senior care services.

Are they finding you or your competitors?

If your website appears at the top of these search results, you can get leads for free directly from Google (or even YouTube if you create video content).

SEO Pros

  • A free lead generation channel
  • Get predictable leads each month
  • Leads convert faster vs other marketing channels

SEO Cons

  • You need to create content for best results
  • Can take a while to see results

Overall, SEO is one of the best ways to get leads for free.

The only downside is that this online marketing method can take a while before you see any results. The sooner you start the sooner you can start generating leads online.

So it’s in your best interest to start this lead gen strategy as soon as possible. 6+ months down the line, you’ll be really glad you did!

To learn the fastest way to get leads from Google, check out ‘Step 4’ of my free Masterclass training here.

3. Buy long term care leads

Buying Internet Leads

Another great way to get leads for long-term care is to buy leads from another lead generation company. There are many lead-generation marketing companies that will sell you long term care leads to help you grow your business.

These leads are typically delivered to you in real-time.

Pros of buying leads

  • Get leads quickly
  • You don’t need to do any marketing yourself
  • Easy to do

Cons of buying leads

  • Most expensive way to get leads
  • Some agents complain the quality is low
  • You’re not in full control of your marketing

If you want to buy leads, it’s important you manage your expectations.

First, buying leads that get delivered to your inbox in real-time are NOT the same as getting a lead who books an appointment in your calendar because they’re interested in working with you.

You often have to chase leads that you purchase from other lead sources for many days, weeks or even months before you speak to them!

That’s why in our lead generation strategy, we focus on getting leads that already WANT to work with you so that you don’t have to spend any time chasing them (‘step 2’ of this video explains how you can do this).

That being said, with a bit of hard work, buying home care leads can still be an effective lead-generation strategy for the right person.

4. Third party referral companies

Business networking

Another popular way to get long term care leads is to rely on third party referral agencies to pass leads to you.

Pros of using referrals

  • Leads convert quickly because you’re being referred to by a trustworthy source

Cons of using referrals

  • Some referral agencies require revenue share or charge per lead
  • Relying on referrals alone are not always a predictable way to get new clients
  • Not all referral sources are good quality

Overall, senior care referral companies are a great marketing strategy because they have pre-existing relationships with senior care individuals or families.

Because they have a lot of experience in the industry, seniors often trust their recommendations. This means that the leads from referrals and referral sources will convert quicker vs other marketing channels.

However, relying on referrals alone doesn’t put you in full control of your marketing.

For example, one of your referral sources might decide to stop passing referrals to you and then you could suddenly lose a large chunk of new business.

5. Direct mail

Direct mail

A very popular way to get long term care leads are by targeting seniors through direct mail. Agencies and insurance agents that market directly to seniors through mail often get leads with seniors that are not very active online.

Pros of sending mail

  • Target people in your local area
  • Offers a personal touch
  • Works well when combined with other strategies

Cons of sending mail

  • More expensive than online ads

Overall, sending mail to try to win new clients can work well if the mailing list is very well-targeted and if you have the right offer for home care services.

Many agencies have found success in sending mail to seniors and then directing them to their website. Then from their website, you can retarget them on other online channels. This strategy can help you stay top-of-mind in the eyes of potential clients.

The bottom line

There are lots of ways to get long term care leads including being found online, relying on referral sources and buying senior care leads. For best results, you can split test different strategies and see which one works best for you.

For best results, I’d recommend having a strategy where you optimize your website for different long term care and home care agency keywords to appear first on the Google search results. And if you want quicker results, then I recommend you run ads (such as Google ads, Facebook ads or – my favorite – TikTok ads).

If you want to learn how to get 10, 15, 30 or more high quality sales appointments with your ideal clients in a way that is automated, predictable and scalable, be sure to watch my free training here.