You may be wondering why your Twitter engagement rate and impressions are important. What do you stand to gain from them?

Well, high engagement rates and impression rates mean an increase in brand recognition, authority, lead generation, and sales.

So, if you’re finding it hard to stand out from everyone else on Twitter and get more impressions…

Or you need help promoting your personal brand or business on the platform…

Look no further! 

Here are 9 sure-fire ways to increase your Twitter engagement and impression rates. 

Quick Summary

If you’re short on time, here’s a summary of 9 ways to increase good Twitter engagement rate and impressions.

  • Tweet actively 
  • Tag relevant people in your tweets
  • Engage with other users
  • Make use of hashtags 
  • Use Twitter direct messages 
  • Develop a tweeting schedule 
  • Join conversations with event hashtags
  • Respond to engagement 
  • Use Twitter promotions 

Boosting Twitter impressions and engagement is not a walk in the park, but with the right strategies, the process will be easier for you.

As such, executing these methods effectively will guarantee positive results for your brand, including lead generation.

In this vein…

If you’re interested in increasing engagement and attracting leads, I provide detailed strategies in my free 5-Step Masterclass training.

How can I increase Twitter engagement and impressions?

1. Tweet actively

Loading Twitter App

To increase your Twitter engagement and impressions, you need to post often. 

And not only that…

You need to post great content. 

Make your posts creative and engaging. It’s advisable to keep the tone light and conversational. You can ask questions or create polls on interesting topics for people to vote on and express themselves. This will snag their attention and increase their chances of responding. 

Also, while your focus is on marketing your brand, you should post other things too. Get information on content that performs well on Twitter, current news in your industry, and your target audience’s interests. 

Pros of tweeting actively:

  • It helps your content appear on your followers’ feeds constantly. 
  • It provides an opportunity to market your brand and interact with your target audience. 

Cons of tweeting actively:

  • You may not have the same level of engagement on all your content.

2. Tag relevant people in your tweets

Tag people on Twitter

So, you’ve been told to post relevant content regularly. 

But are you tagging the right people, businesses, or publications in your tweets?

As a best practice, I recommend you share posts by other professionals in your industry with whom you aim to network. Doing this shows that you hold their content in high regard and want other users to view them. 

When you share the content, tag the person who created it and the publication it appears on.

Believe it or not, this will make your Twitter audience view you in a good light and be willing to engage with you. In addition, it increases the chances of your tweet standing out and gaining more views.

Example Tweet of tagging a Twitter user

As you can see from the example above, this tweet was written by @ChrisMarr and appeared on @HelloCMA.

There’s a good chance that these people will be grateful you’re sharing their content and engage with your post in turn. This makes it easier for you to interact with them and build relationships.

Pros of tagging people in your tweets:

  • It increases the chances of the tagged individuals viewing your tweets and responding to them.
  • It provides an opportunity to network with them.

Cons of tagging people in your tweets:

  • Some individuals may not respond to your tweets.

3. Engage with other users

Twitter engagement

If you want to gain more recognition on Twitter, you need to take the first step and engage with people. I recommend you start with your clients, leads, strategic partners, and key influencers in your industry.

It’s as simple as liking, retweeting, and commenting on their tweets. This enables you to share your knowledge in your field and network with them on the common area of interest.

See also:

Twitter’s algorithm will show your tweets to those more likely to be interested in your content. By engaging with others’ content, there’s a high chance that some of them will return the favor. 

This tells Twitter that your content is relevant to those people, and they are likely interested in viewing your tweets in the future. In short, the more people you interact with, the more people will see your future tweets.

Pros of engaging with other users:

  • It helps you network with people you have shared interests with.
  • It increases your chances of engagements and impressions.

Cons of engaging with other users:

  • You may not get responses from some users.

4. Make use of hashtags


Hashtags are one of the most effective Twitter tools, and utilizing them well will significantly benefit you. 

They are commonly used to identify Twitter trends. People use hashtags to search for current and interesting topics and join the conversation. 

So, embedding hashtags relevant to your target audience into your content will add your brand to the conversation. As such, it increases the chances of your tweet being seen when they search the same hashtags.

Additionally, using the right hashtags provides an opportunity to interact with your target audience and market your brand.  

Pros of using hashtags to increase Twitter user engagement:

  • It helps you discover Twitter trends that your target audience is interested in.
  • Embedding relevant hashtags in your tweets increases the chances of your target market seeing them.

Cons of using hashtags to increase Twitter engagement:

  • While it will boost your tweet impressions, you may not get as much engagement.
  • Using too many hashtags in your tweets can reduce their relevance.

5. Use Twitter direct messages

Twitter Direct Messages

Using Twitter DMs can either go wrong or earn you amazing results. 

To this end, here are a few do’s and don’ts when using it.


  • Send a generic and automated “Thanks for following me!” message: Everyone does it. It’s boring and provides no value to people.
  • Send a message marketing your brand: Always provide value first. There is a time and place to sell, but it’s not in Twitter DMs.
  • Talk about yourself too much: Don’t bore people with a long intro about who you are or what you do. Make them the focus of the conversation.
  • Automatically message everyone that follows you: You can use automated messages to save time sometimes, but they shouldn’t be used on everyone. 


  • Curate messages for specific people: Make sure the message is tailored to suit the receiver. For example, if you’re targeting business coaches or consultants and you send them a message, ensure the message is relevant to them. 
  • Provide value: The best way to provide value to people is by sharing content that enlightens your audience and solves their problems. Your content can range from a webinar to a video or a blog, but it’s important to ensure that it’s beneficial to your audience. 
  • Respond to messages: When someone replies to your message, be sure to respond promptly. This shows people that you’re a brand that cares, not a robot. 
  • Only message people that follow you back: If people follow you, it shows they are interested in what you do, and you can build relationships with them and expand your network. 

When used correctly, Twitter DMs can help you build relationships and expand your social network further. This will earn you more support and boost engagement and impressions for your tweets, as more people are interested in your brand.

6. Develop a tweeting schedule

It’s important to have a posting schedule geared towards reaching your target audience and other users at favorable times. This will improve your impressions and get you more engagement.

All social media platforms have different days and times when users are more active, and your chances of engaging with them are high.

In this vein, HubSpot suggests that the best days to post on Twitter are Wednesdays and Fridays, and Sundays are the least favorable. Furthermore, it lists 9 am to 6 pm as the periods when Twitter users are primarily active, and the best time to reach them is between 9 am and 12 pm.    

As a bonus tip… 

You can also check your Twitter analytics to determine when your followers are most active and schedule your tweets accordingly. 

Pros of having a tweeting schedule:

  • It helps you determine the best days to post your content and get more engagement and impressions.
  • It keeps your content arranged and organized.

 Cons of having a tweeting schedule:

  • Tight deadlines can increase pressure and prevent you from creating great content.

7. Join conversations with event hashtags

Nowadays, most organizers use hashtags to promote events on Twitter, whether online or physically. This helps to build awareness and build anticipation for the event.  

To use these hashtags to boost your engagement and impressions, look out for events your target audience is likely to attend. Then, use the hashtags to find them and join in the conversation by sharing valuable knowledge relevant to the event. 

This way, your tweet will reach a wide range of people interested in the niche you’re tweeting about. It also enables you to engage with like-minded people and market your brand. 

You can even go further by following some of them!

Some of these people will respond to you and follow you back, increasing the chances of them seeing more of your tweets in the future.

Pros of joining conversations with event hashtags:

  • It helps to interact with other users in a common area of interest.
  • It provides an opportunity to engage with your target audience and market your brand.

Cons of joining conversations with event hashtags:

  • If you’re not attending the event, some users may not interact with you.

8. Respond to engagement

When your posts get engagement, ensure you respond to them promptly. 

Reply to comments, answer questions, and appreciate shared opinions and feedback. This gives your brand a hospitable image and makes your followers and target audience feel more connected with you. 

One thing to remember…

You have a professional reputation, so you shouldn’t get too personal with your followers. Keep the conversations light, fun, and informative; you’re good to go.

In addition, look out for when people tag you in their posts. It could be a client asking a question, and responding promptly will improve your brand image. This will also earn you more recognition and impact your impressions and engagement.  

Pros of responding to engagement:

  • It encourages people to engage with your content and share them.
  • It boosts your brand appeal in front of other users.

Cons of responding to engagement:

  • Responding to positive comments only and ignoring the negative ones can negatively impact your brand image.

9. Use Twitter promotions

Paid promotions are a great way to get your content out to a larger audience and increase engagement and impressions. 

For instance, Twitter ads offer a surefire way to reach a large audience and get plenty of views and interactions. 

Another benefit is that you get to set an objective for your ad and track its performance accordingly. It’s also pretty budget-friendly, and you can get a Twitter ad without spending a lot. 

An alternative form of Twitter promotion is partnering with influencers. You need to identify influencers relevant to your brand, who share similar values, and who have access to your target audience. They could even be part of it!

This will help you determine whether to focus on those in your industry or if you can also partner with influencers in other areas.

Pros of using Twitter promotions:

  • It’s guaranteed to boost your impressions and increase your brand awareness.
  • Twitter ads provide tools that help you measure your promotional content’s performance.

Cons of using Twitter promotions:  

  • Twitter ads have a character limit for each tweet.

The bottom line

Staying consistent with our Twitter strategies helps us generate hundreds of new followers each, thousands of impressions, and plenty of engagement every month.

Here’s a screenshot of my Twitter analytics for tweet activity in one month:

As you can see, these are pretty high stats from only 27 Tweets, and it’s worth mentioning these stats are 100% organic! 

So, rest assured that if you use these strategies effectively, your Twitter engagement rate and impressions rates will rise.

Before you go…

If you found the above tips helpful, sign up for my free  5-Step Masterclass training, where I explain organic strategies to generate leads for your business every month. 

See you there!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I increase engagement on Twitter?

You can increase engagement on the social media platform Twitter by posting actively and sharing insightful and interesting content. In addition, you can answer questions, respond to comments, and like and retweet them. This makes people feel appreciated and more encouraged to interact with you.

How can I get more views for my tweets?

You can increase views for your tweets by tweeting according to the times when Twitter users are primarily active and utilizing hashtags effectively. Paid promotions are also a great way to get more views. 

How do I attract my target market on Twitter?

You can attract your target market on Twitter by sharing content that interests them and targets their needs. Additionally, networking with professionals in your industry will attract people interested in your brand. It also helps you obtain advice and support in your brand marketing on Twitter.